A Prayer after Parkland

O merciful God,

You who shatters the spear and breaks the bow

You who beats swords into plowshares

and spears into pruning hooks

You who received in Your body

the death blows of the Empire

Hear us, we pray.

The forces of evil rage in our midst

Those who wield weapons against innocent children

Those who profit from the manufacture of death

Those who placate with hollow prayers and platitudes

Those who line their pockets with blood money

Those who imagine it could be no different

Discomfort us with the violence done in our name

Heal us of our addiction to power

Cure us of our enthrallment with weapons of war

Restore our sense of common humanity

Give us the courage to protect our children

Make our feet tireless in the streets

Steady our voices in the town halls

Steel our resolve at the ballot box

Until every feckless legislator has been voted out of office

Until the profiteers of death have been silenced

Until our children no longer fear for their lives

Until our lust for violence has been transformed into a passion for peace

We long for the day when death will be no more

When there will be dancing instead of mourning

When there will be joy instead of ashes

When you will wipe every tear from every eye

When mourning and crying and pain will be no more

But until that day, O Lord,

Make us tireless in the struggle for justice

Make us relentless in the pursuit of peace

Make us fearless in speaking to power

For it is in the name of the Christ,

the Lion of Judah, slain like a Lamb,

that we pray.


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Robert Williamson Jr. is professor of religious studies at Hendrix College, founding pastor of Mercy Community Church of Little Rock, and cohost of the popular BibleWorm podcast. He is the author of The Forgotten Books of the Bible: Recovering the Five Scrolls for Today (Fortress Press, 2018).

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