Invite me to speak
at your next event.

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For more than 15 years, I’ve been speaking at churches, colleges, and conferences. I’m known as an engaging speaker who helps people find their own voices as interpreters of scripture. If you want to dig deeper into the Bible, invite me to speak at your next event.

Current Speaking Topics

The topics listed below are examples of the talks I have been giving recently. I’m always happy to discuss other topics of interest to your particular group.

The Forgotten Books of the Bible
An overview of my my most recent book, covering the books of Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther.

The Song of Songs and the Gift of Human Sexuality
A look at the Song of Songs as a biblical voice promoting a healthy view of sexuality, bodies, and consent.

Ruth and Immigration Reform
An examination of the book of Ruth as it relates to treatment of immigrants and minorities in biblical times and our own.

Grief Has Many Voices
A study of the book of Lamentations as a multi-vocal response to trauma in its day and our own.

Mortality and the Meaning of Life
An engagement with the views of Ecclesiastes on the fleeting nature of human life and the importance of living in the moment.

Resisting Ethnic Nationalism
A study of the book of Esther as a model for resistance to anti-Semitism and ethnic nationalism.

Reading the Apocalypse in an Age of Empire
A reading of the book of Revelation as resistance to the principalities and powers of Empire.

Radical Hospitality and the Ministry of Mercy Church
An overview of the word of Mercy Community Church of Little Rock as a response to the Gospel’s call for radical hospitality to the stranger.

Email to find out more: 

Speaking Fees

My speaking fees are flexible, depending on the number of engagements and how long I’ll need to be away from home. I’m always willing to negotiate fees for groups lacking resources or if I’m able to combine your event with others nearby. Contact me to discuss details. I’d love to speak with you!

Email to find out more: 


march, 2025

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